Are you struggling to get back into work as usual after Christmas? Naturally, it's taking some time to adjustment to reset your body block after weeks of indulging in box seats and selection boxes, however there's one day that hits harder than most, Blue Monday.
Blue Monday is the UK's official most depressing day of the year. Your focus turns back to financial services and your goals for the year. Christmas is a distant memory, debt levels are higher, you're still waiting for pay day and your New Year's Resolutions may have failed already.
Although January is a time for New beginnings, out with the old and in with the new, it's not going to happen overnight. It's important to remember that small steps go a long way. Our guide provides you with tips and tricks on how to beat the Blue Monday slump.
Are you wondering why you're feeling so unfocused right now? Don't panic. We'll provide you with ideas for motivators, productivity and mind improvement, stress reducers, and anxiety management.
After reading our guide and committing to some of the actions, we're confident that you'll remember why you work so hard in the first place.
Download our guide and let Selby Jennings help you have a not-so-Blue Monday.