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7 Tips to Make Your Job Application in Financial Services Stand Out

Posted on April 2024

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โ€‹The financial sciences and services hiring landscape is competitive, making it crucial to differentiate yourself when applying for new roles. Your CV serves as your first impression, and your application is a powerful tool to demonstrate your expertise, achievements, and value to potential employers. This article covers seven strategies for professionals aiming to strengthen their application and land their next career opportunity.

1. Your application should be easy to read

Your CV and cover letter should be easy to comprehend and easy to navigate. Clear headings, bullet points, and concise paragraphs ensure you are presenting relevant information effectively. A clutter-free layout and clear language enables hiring managers to understand your qualifications and accomplishments easily.

2. Customize your application

Avoid sending out generic applications - instead, dedicate time to tailor each application to align with the specific requirements and culture of each company you are applying to. Customizing your application demonstrates sincere interest and enhances your chances of resonating with decision-makers.

3. Emphasize measurable achievements

Be specific when detailing your accomplishments: clearly articulate the value of your contributions. Consider employing the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) for clarity and context, showcasing your ability to deliver tangible results.

4. Incorporate relevant keywords

Integrate industry-specific keywords and phrases relevant to the role you are applying for. Many employers utilize search tools and CV scanning technology to search applications for relevant terms. Strategically incorporating these keywords improves your chances of advancing through initial screening stages and catching the eye of hiring managers.

5. Showcase transferable skills

While technical skills are important, don't overlook the significance of transferable skills such as communication, leadership, problem-solving, adaptability, and teamwork. Clearly demonstrate how these skills have been utilized across various contexts and their relevance to the position you're pursuing.

6. Highlight your uniqueness

In addition to qualifications and experience, hiring managers are interested in what makes you stand different from other candidates. Personalise your application by opening your CV with a concise personal branding statement that showcases your unique strengths. Incorporating relevant hobbies, such as volunteering or mentoring, can reveal your character beyond work, making your application memorable amid the competition.

7. Double check spelling and grammar

Attention to detail matters. Thoroughly proofread your application to eliminate typos, grammatical errors, or inconsistencies. Consider seeking feedback from peers, mentors, or professional editors to ensure your application is polished and error-free.

Ready to advance your career?

Update and submit your CV to the Selby Jennings specialist team today and one of our consultants will be in touch when we find a suitable role. Alternatively, browse our latest opportunities within financial sciences and services in Europe.


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